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Интегрируемые системы

(ускоренный курс; начало 16 мая, 15.30, ком. 309)

Программа курса

  1. Introduction. General features of the soliton systems.
    Lax representation. Zero-curvature equations. Discrete and finite-dimensional integrable systems. Integrals of motion. Hierarchies of commuting flows.
  2. Algebro-geometric integration.
    Baker-Akhiezer functions. Theta-functional formulae. Baker-Akhiezer functions for singular curves (multisoliton solutions).
  3. Spectral theory of periodic linear operators.
  4. Hamiltonian theory of soliton equations.
  5. Whitham equations and applications (WDVV equations, Witten-Seiberg theory)
  6. Holomorphic vector bundles and solutions of higher rank.

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